Max Cartor traveled from Louisville, KY to Baltimore, MD for our Intensive Club Experience where he embarked on college tours up and down the Mid-Atlantic to look at schools of all different sizes, types and levels of lacrosse. And while all of those roads eventually led him back to Kentucky to attend Bellarmine University, the lessons and guidance he received at ICE helped him in that journey.
We caught up with our first ICE netminder to hear more about his experience in the Bluegrass State, how his love for math helped him pick Bellarmine, and what he is up to today (hint: it’s more math).
What was your favorite memory from your ICE experience?
How did the Intensive Club Experience help shape you?
Talk a little bit about Bellarmine, what should people know? Any favorite memories?
“People may not realize some of the big names that have come through Bellarmine lacrosse over the years. Fellow goalie Dillon Ward was a 2013 graduate, a Tewaaraton nominee and continued on in the MLL, NLL and for Team Canada where he was the 2014 World Games MVP.
One of the best parts of my college experience was playing in the SoCon tournament for the first time my freshman year. Beating #18 Marquette in double overtime my junior year was another memory that stands out.”
What have you been up to since graduating?
Good luck Max, we look forward to reading your dissertation!